Several NBS projects have been implemented in the rivers connected to the Black Sea Region. In this section, we highlight notable projects that share the common objective of revitalizing the relationship between rivers and wetlands in the Danube River basin. These projects show how the restoration of river-wetland connectivity and the strategic utilization of constructed wetlands can yield environmental and socio-economic benefits in the BSR.
Restoring the Gârla Mare and Vrata Wetlands, Romania
The restoration of Gârla Mare and Vrata sites, two adjacent marshlands in a former side branch of the Danube River, has enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem service function. In the past, the area was prepared for fish farming (fish breeding nursery and ponds) using dyke systems, isolating the river from the natural marshlands. This caused the mix of species and habitat in the area to change over time, transforming the marsh into a reed bed.
The main objective of the project was to improve water inundation in the Gârla Mare and Vrata marshlands in the Danube floodplain to preserve and restore the wetlands and associated habitat. The water supply channel was modified through the introduction of sluices and dredging (See Figure 5‑1 for site map). Furthermore, the flood storage capacity was increased and the dykes were reinforced in order to protect active fish ponds against flooding. Project specifications are given in Table 5‑1 (WWF, 2021).

Table 5‑1: Project specifications for Gârla Mare and Vrata wetlands restoration
Indicator | Specification | Description |
Location | Place | Gârla Mare and Vrata sites, Romania (Lower Danube Green Corridor) |
Date | Project phase | 2014-2021 |
Type of NBS | Wetland restoration and maintenance | |
Treatment type | River diluted (diffuse) | |
Costs | Construction | €1,366,000 |
Operation (cost/year) | ||
Scale | Gross | 6.2km² |
Partners and financial mechanisms | Design | WWF Romania (lead), local landowner and land users |
Realisation | Fully funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation |
Due to changes of opinions by stakeholders and permitting issues, this project took considerably longer than planned. Therefore, the project team strongly advises to allocate enough time to engage stakeholders and analyse the area from multiple perspectives (protected species and habitats, hydrology, legal rights of the land and resources, economic development potential, etc.) during the project initiation phase.
Restoring the Persina and Kalimok Wetlands, Bulgaria
Bulgarian wetlands along the Danube provide essential spawning grounds for numerous species of fish and provide critical winter and feeding habitats for water birds (WWF, 2021). The Persina and Kalimok wetlands are found in the floodplain of the Lower Danube in northern Bulgaria. Persina is the largest of the Belene islands in the Danube River. The island landscape consists of freshwater marshes, riverine forests (which are inundated by the Danube on a seasonal basis), and agricultural land.

The wetlands of Persina Island are enclosed by dykes, effectively isolating them from the Danube River. Water supply is managed using sluices. Historically, the Kalimok marsh near the town of Tutrakan held significant importance as a commercial fishing site. Unfortunately, 70 years ago, this marsh was drained and disconnected from the Danube, resulting in a drastic decline in fish production. As an initiative under the Living Danube Partnership, WWF Bulgaria and its collaborators embarked on a project with the objective of revitalizing the Persina and Kalimok wetlands. This endeavor focused on enhancing the water supply to these marshlands, ultimately aiming to restore their ecological health and functionality. Table 5-2 provides a summary of the project specifications for the restoration of Persina and Kalimok wetlands (WWF, 2021).
Table 5‑2: Project specifications for Persina and Kalimok wetlands restoration
Indicator | Specification | Description |
Location | Place | Persina and Kalimok wetlands, Bulgaria (Lower Danube Green Corridor) |
Date | Project phase | 2017-2020 |
Type of NBS | Improved sluice operation for wetland restoration | |
Treatment type | River diluted (diffuse) | |
Costs | Construction | €318,000 |
Operation (cost/year) | N/D | |
Scale | Gross | 37km² |
Partners and financial mechanisms | Design | WWF Bulgaria (lead), Persina Nature Park Directorate, Rusenski Lom Nature Park Directorate |
Realisation | Fully funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation |
The primary objective for both sites was to enhance the water supply to the marshlands from the Danube River. This involved facilitating water flow into the former wetlands, establishing mechanisms for controlled flooding, and fostering the recovery of biodiversity and fish populations. The project focused on upgrading and modernizing the sluice gates at the sites, enabling remote control and operation. Electric propulsion systems were introduced for selected sluices, streamlining the operational process that was previously manual. Additionally, a real-time water level monitoring system was implemented, accompanied by an updated operation manual. The project also encompassed the construction of bird nesting platforms. As a result of these efforts, the manipulation of sluice gates became more efficient and responsive to the habitat requirements and hydrological conditions of the Danube. The installation of a new water level monitoring system at both sites facilitates continuous tracking of hydrological conditions in real time. Data from these monitoring systems informed the design of automatic sluice gates and contributed to the creation of a revised manual for managing water regimes in the wetlands. Key partners in this initiative included the nature conservation managers of the Persina Nature Park Directorate and Rusenski Lom Nature Park Directorate, the latter of which holds ownership of the assets and will continue to oversee the management of the project sites in the future (WWF, 2021).
French Vertical-Flow Treatment Wetland in Orhei Municipality, Moldova
In the Orhei Municipality of Moldova, a French Vertical-Flow Treatment Wetland (French VFTW) was constructed in 2013 for primary and secondary treatment of wastewater. Before the construction of this French VFTW, the city of Orhei made use of a wastewater treatment plant located at the top of a hill. The city wastewater had to be pumped up the hill and treated using a high-rate percolating filter. This had become a very expensive operation. The plant’s limited capacity, coupled with increasing wastewater volumes, rendered it ineffective for city-wide treatment. The Moldovan government, under a World Bank funded programme, decided to replace this WWTP with a French vertical-flow treatment wetland (French VFTW). The French VFTW was selected for its ability to minimize operational costs based on the maximum affordable water tariff within the local economic context.

Table 5‑3: Project specifications of French Vertical-Flow Treatment Wetland in Moldova (Cross et al., 2021)
Indicator | Specification | Description |
Location | Place | Orhei Municipality, Moldova |
Date | Operation | 2013-present |
Type of NBS | French Vertical-Flow Treatment Wetland | |
Treatment type | Primary and secondary treatment using French reed beds (FRBs) and VFTWs | |
Costs | Construction | €3,387,000.00 |
Operation (cost/year) | €85,000.00 | |
Scale | Gross | 50,000m² |
Financial mechanisms | Design | The design of the plant and the supervision of the construction were funded by the World Bank and implemented by an international joint venture composed of Posch & Partners (Austria), SWS Consulting, Iridra, and Hydea (Italy). |
Realisation | The realisation of the plant was funded by the European Union, the Moldovian Environmental Ministry, and the World Bank. |
The first stage employs a gravel media bed to achieve an initial level of contaminant removal and process raw domestic sludge, addressing a significant challenge faced by small WWTPs. The addition of a second stage as a vertical flow sand filter ensures exceptional pollutant reduction, including very low BOD (<15 mg/L), COD (<70 mg/L), and complete nitrification (<5 mg NH4-N/L). The potential for improved nitrogen removal through recirculation exists. In terms of operation and maintenance, routine cleaning of a coarse screen located before the French VFTW is necessary, and regular weed control is recommended monthly to facilitate efficient treatment. The treated effluent is discharged by pump to a tributary of the Raut River. Vertical-flow wetlands require less surface area than horizontal solutions. Figure 5‑4 shows a schematic representation of a VFTW.

The Orhei French VFTW in Moldova was designed to address local water quality issues. However, several products can be obtained by harvesting and processing the reed’s biomass. The annual harvested reed biomass at the Moldova VFTW amounts to about 70 tons annually. This residue can be put towards biogas production. This is one of the possible co-benefits from this type of system.
Constructed Wetland in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Constructed Wetlands are widely used in Ukrainian peri-urban and rural areas, where conventional centralized WWTPs are not economically feasible or do not exist (Vergeles et al., 2015). Among them, there is also a full scale constructed wetland located in East Ukraine that treats pharmaceuticals (e.g., carbamazepine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.) in hospital wastewater, with removal rates of up to 90 % (depending on the pollutant) (Vystavna et al., 2017). Pharmaceuticals in surface water are considered a threat to drinking water supplies. Similar treatment yields are also achieved for the removal of BOD, COD, TSS and NH4-N.
The removal of pharmaceuticals was surveyed on a full scale constructed wetland near the settlement of Khorosheve in the Kharkiv Oblast. The treatment site is in the upper part of the Udy River’s floodplain (total treatment area: 2750 m², Qavg: 100 m³/d, residence time: 10-13 days, planted with Phragmites australis). It includes a wastewater piping and distribution system, pre-treatment unit with aeration, four treatment wetland units, two vertical/two horizontal subsurface flow systems, a well, and two sludge drying beds (Figure 5‑5). Treated wastewater is discharged into a ditch, 800 m upstream its inflow into the Udy River, a tributary of the Seversky Donets River. Table 5‑4 (below) summarizes the Khorosheve project specifications.

Table 5‑4: Project specifications for constructed wetland at Khorosheve settlement, Kharkiv region, Ukraine
Indicator | Specification | Description |
Location | Place | Khorosheve settlement in Kharkiv region, Ukraine |
Date | Operation | 2011- |
Type of NBS | Constructed wetland-Hybrid (vertical flow, horizontal subsurface flow, free surface flow system) | |
Treatment type | Primary treatment and secondary treatment by constructed wetland | |
Costs | Construction | n.a. (not available) |
Operation (cost/year) | n.a. | |
Scale | Gross | 2750 m² |
Financial mechanisms | Design | n/a (not applicable) |
Realisation | n.a. |
Monitoring outcomes affirm the significant potential of constructed wetlands as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly secondary wastewater treatment option, or even as a polishing treatment system for pharmaceutical removal. Based on the findings related to conventional parameters, the performance of the Khoroseve Constructed Wetland is comparable to other wetlands, particularly those in Central Europe. The effectiveness of pharmaceutical elimination relies on operational configurations. The removal of emerging pollutants aligns well with the recently introduced EU regulation for pharmaceutical removal, outlined in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (European Commission, 2022). Notably, the application of constructed wetlands extends beyond river landscapes and can encompass coastal areas and even marine environments, including artificial islands.